Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday 4/20/11

Today and tomorrow students will be conducting the onion and cheek cells lab.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday 4/19/11

3rd period - Students finished the test, did test corrections, and completed the cell transport vocabulary sheet below.

All other periods: Students were given the onion and cheek cell prelab (see below).  The prelab must be completed before students will be allowed to do the lab.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday 4/18/11

Today students took the test on cell organelles. Please see Ms. Sanders if you missed it. 

The Teachettes at the Talent Show!

Ms. Sanders - lead vocals
Ms. Duslak - backing vocals
Ms. Ebey- guitar (left side of screen)
Ms. Moore  - guitar (right side of screen)