Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday 8/20/10

Today we worked on our scientific method comic strips (due Monday).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday 8/19/10

We added a copy of the lab safety guidelines to the interactive notebook.  See Ms. Sanders for a copy.  We also recorded brief notes on the scientific method in our interactive notebooks.  Then we were assigned the scientific method comic strip, which is due on Monday, 8/23/10.

Scientific Method Comic Strip Instructions - due Monday, 8/23/10
Blank Comic Strip Squares (Frames)
Comic Strip Rubric

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday 8/18/10

1. Assemble your Interactive Notebook using these guidelines.  The notebook should be a spiral or other bound notebook.  Click on tab above to keep up with what items should be in your notebook and on what pages.

2. Use the Lab Safety Guidelines to complete the crossword puzzle.  The guidelines must be signed by student and parent and returned on Monday, 8/23/10.  Guidelines are not available online and must be retrieved from Ms. Sanders.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday 8/17/10

THIEVES pre-reading strategy allows you to "steal" information from a text before actually reading the text.  Complete the THIEVES practice sheet for chapter one in your biology book.